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Hach… damals!
Archiv der Kategorie: Computer
Backup Brother iLabel&Print labels
If you ever wondered how to backup-the Labels which you created and saved in „My Labels“… These are stored at the following path: One can use Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to pull/push the files from/to the directory.
Veröffentlicht unter Computer
Verschlagwortet mit adb, Android, labelprinter
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Stuck SIM-card tray holder from Pixel 4a
While replacing my venerable Pixel 4a phone for a new one, I realized that I could not remove the SIM-Card from it to put into the successor: The handling part of the SIM card tray is broken off and the … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Computer
Verschlagwortet mit Google, Handy, Pixel 4a, SIM-card holder
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Idle power draw using Minis Forum BD770i (AMD Ryzen 7 7745HX)
Hard to find numbers on this, so I thought I’d share my measurements: State DS4131 UM790Pro2 BD770i3,4 Off 0.5W ? 0.3W Idle, no HDDs ? 6.5W 16.1W Idle, HDDs spinning 28.2W no HDD 32.5W Idle, HDDs not spinning 13.5W no … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Computer
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